
There are three ways to get Graphix running on top of your AsterixDB instance. If you have no previous AsterixDB instance, you can get a start by Using a Pre-Built Package or Building Graphix + AsterixDB from Source. If you have a previous AsterixDB instance and want to execute Graphix queries on said instance, you can get a start by Updating AsterixDB for Graphix.

Table of Contents

  1. Using a Pre-Built Package
  2. Building Graphix + AsterixDB from Source
  3. Upgrading AsterixDB for Graphix

Using a Pre-Built Package

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 installed in your environment.
  2. Download the latest pre-built Graphix package here. Unzip this file and open a terminal at the unzipped folder.
  3. Execute the script, which will start a 1-node AsterixDB cluster.
  4. AsterixDB should now be up and running with Graphix! To quickly verify your Graphix installation, navigate to the query interface at localhost:19006 and issue the following metadata query:
         `Metadata`.`Graph` AS G,
         `Metadata`.`GraphDependency` GD,
         GD.Dependencies D 
     SELECT *;

    If no errors are raised, then Graphix is successfully installed.

Building Graphix + AsterixDB from Source

This process will change in the future. We are currently merging several patches into the main AsterixDB branch that enable recursion.

  1. Clone the AsterixDB + Graphix git repository:
     git clone graphix-asterixdb
  2. Run the following Maven command to build AsterixDB + Graphix. This may take a while, so get some coffee!
     cd graphix-asterixdb 
     mvn clean package -DskipTests
  3. AsterixDB should now be packaged (and Graphix installed)! Navigate to the bin folder and start a 1-node AsterixDB cluster with a Graphix configuration file.
     cd asterixdb/asterix-server/target/asterix-server-*-SNAPSHOT-binary-assembly/apache-asterixdb-*-SNAPSHOT/bin
     # Start a single node-controller.
     ./asterixncservice -logdir - &
     # Start a cluster-controller with Graphix enabled.
     ./asterixcc -config-file "${PROJECT_SOURCE}/asterixdb/asterix-opt/asterix-graphix/src/main/resources/cc.conf" &
     # Wait for our 1-node cluster to become active.
     ./asterixhelper wait_for_cluster -timeout 90
  4. AsterixDB should now be up and running with Graphix! To quickly verify your Graphix installation, navigate to the query interface at localhost:19006 and issue the following metadata query:
         `Metadata`.`Graph` AS G,
         `Metadata`.`GraphDependency` GD,
         GD.Dependencies D 
     SELECT *;

    If no errors are raised, then Graphix is successfully installed.

Upgrading AsterixDB for Graphix

  1. Follow either of the sections above (Using a Pre-Built Package or Building Graphix + AsterixDB from Source) to get a new Graphix + AsterixDB package.
  2. Append to your existing cluster configuration file (e.g. cc.conf) the sections below:
     ; We use dummy keys for the extension sections below.
  3. Run your AsterixDB instance using the new binaries and configuration file.
  4. To verify your installation, navigate to the query interface at localhost:19006 and issue the following metadata query:
         `Metadata`.`Graph` AS G,
         `Metadata`.`GraphDependency` GD,
         GD.Dependencies D 
     SELECT *;

    If no errors are raised, then Graphix is successfully installed.