Getting Started

In this tutorial, we are going to start a 1-node Graphix cluster, establish a collection of AsterixDB datasets, build a graph over these datasets, and query the graph we just built.

Table of Contents

  1. Starting a Sample Cluster
  2. Building AsterixDB Datasets
  3. Defining a Graphix Graph
  4. Querying our Graphix Graph
  5. Stopping our Sample Cluster

Starting a Sample Cluster

  1. Head on over to the Installation section and install AsterixDB + Graphix.
  2. We are going to follow the instructions using a pre-built package. Execute the script to start a 1-node cluster using the Graphix extension.

Building AsterixDB Datasets

  1. For our tutorial, we use the “Gelp” example: Users and their friends make Reviews about Businesses. To start, let’s create a new dataverse and all the aforementioned entities as datasets.
     USE Gelp;
     CREATE TYPE BusinessesType AS { business_id : string };
     CREATE DATASET Businesses (BusinessesType) PRIMARY KEY business_id;
     CREATE TYPE UsersType AS { user_id : bigint };
     CREATE DATASET Users (UsersType) PRIMARY KEY user_id;
     CREATE TYPE ReviewsType AS { review_id : string };
     CREATE DATASET Reviews (ReviewsType) PRIMARY KEY review_id;

    In the example above, all three datasets only have their primary keys defined. All other fields associated with each entity exist as open fields.

  2. Let’s now insert some data into our dataverse. We’ll start with our Businesses dataset.
     INSERT INTO Gelp.Businesses [
         { "business_id": "B1", "name": "Papa's Supermarket", "number": "909-123-6123" },
         { "business_id": "B2", "name": "Mother's Gas Station", "number": "111-724-1123" },
         { "business_id": "B3", "name": "Uncle's Bakery" }

    The three records inserted show two fields that were not defined in the BusinessesType data type: name and number. The last record illustrates the potential heterogeneity enabled by AsterixDB’s document data model, where some businesses may not have a number attached to them.

  3. Having populated our Businesses dataset, let’s now move onto our Users:
     INSERT INTO Gelp.Users [
         { "user_id": 1, "name": "Mary", "friends": [ 2 ] },
         { "user_id": 2, "name": "John", "friends": [ 1, 3, 4 ] },
         { "user_id": 3, "name": "Kevin", "friends": [ 2, 5 ] },
         { "user_id": 4, "name": "Susan", "friends": [ 2, 5 ] },
         { "user_id": 5, "name": "Larry", "friends": [ 3, 4 ] }

    Similar to our Businesses records, these Users records inserted include two fields that weren’t defined in their dataset type: name and friends. A user may have a name and an array of user_id values denoting their friends. The potential friends array of a user depicts a common denormalized form of modeling one-to-many relationships, again enabled by AsterixDB’s document data model.

  4. Finally, let’s move onto our last dataset: Reviews.
     INSERT INTO Gelp.Reviews [
         { "review_id": "R1", "user_id": 1, "business_id": "B3", "review_time": date("2022-03-01") },
         { "review_id": "R2", "user_id": 3, "business_id": "B3", "review_time": date("2022-03-01") },
         { "review_id": "R3", "user_id": 2, "business_id": "B3", "review_time": date("2022-03-02") },
         { "review_id": "R4", "user_id": 5, "business_id": "B1", "review_time": date("2022-03-03") },
         { "review_id": "R5", "user_id": 5, "business_id": "B2" }

    A review may include an associated user, business, and review time.

Defining a Graphix Graph

  1. At this point, we have not gone over anything new (in the context of AsterixDB). We now have a logical data model for Gelp with three defined datasets: Users, Reviews, and Businesses. To iterate, these three datasets are used to model the following:

    Users and their friends make Reviews about Businesses.

    Graphically, we can represent this statement as follows:

    We will now build a managed graph piece by piece. We start with a name for our graph: GelpGraph.

     CREATE GRAPH GelpGraph AS      
         ... ;
  2. Now let us define our vertices. As depicted in the diagram above, we have three types of vertices: User, Review, and Business. In the context of the Property Graph Model, these vertex “types” will act as our vertex labels.

    1. Each vertex definition requires three pieces of information: the vertex label the vertex body and the vertex key. The vertices of label Business are defined using the Gelp.Businesses dataset, where each record in Gelp.Businesses corresponds to a vertex in our graph. The primary key of a Business vertex is the same as the logical primary key of its vertex body: business_id. With these three pieces of information, we define the schema of a Business vertex in the GelpGraph as such:
       VERTEX (:Business)
           PRIMARY KEY (business_id)
           AS Gelp.Businesses
    2. The vertices of label User are similarly defined using the Gelp.Users dataset, where each record in Gelp.Users corresponds to a vertex in our graph. The primary key of a User vertex is again the same as the logical primary key of its vertex body: user_id. We define the schema of a User vertex in the GelpGraph as such:
       VERTEX (:User)
           PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
           AS Gelp.Users
    3. We now move onto the last type of vertex: Review. A vertex of label Review is defined using the Gelp.Reviews dataset, with the same primary key as its body: review_id. Now suppose that we want to define Review vertices using Gelp.Reviews records that have a value for review_time. The body of a vertex is similar to that of an AsterixDB view body: we could either use an existing dataset as the vertex body, or a more general query. We will use the latter here for our Review vertex:
       VERTEX (:Review)
       PRIMARY KEY (review_id)
       AS (
               Gelp.Reviews R
               R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN
           SELECT VALUE 
  3. With our vertices defined, we now will define our edges. Referencing our diagram above, we have three types of relationships between our vertices: (1) Reviews are ABOUT Businesses. (2) Reviews are MADE_BY Users. (3) Users are FRIENDS_WITH other Users. These relationship “types” will act as our edge labels.

    1. Each edge definition requires six pieces of information now: the source vertex label and key, the destination vertex label and key, the edge label, & the edge body. The edges of label ABOUT have source vertices of the label Review and destination vertices of the label Business. The edge bodies of label ABOUT are defined using query that references the Gelp.Reviews dataset. The goal of this edge body is to specify i) a field that will be used to connect (or JOIN) the edge body to the source label (i.e. our source key), ii) a field that will be used to connect the edge body to the destination label (i.e. our destination key), and iii) any edge properties. With these six pieces of information, we define the schema of an ABOUT edge in the GelpGraph as such:
       EDGE (:Review)-[:ABOUT]->(:Business)
           SOURCE KEY       (review_id)
           DESTINATION KEY  (business_id)
           AS (
                   Gelp.Reviews R
                   R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN

      The fact that our edge body shares a FROM clause with the vertex body for Review illustrates a trait of our underlying datasets: the Reviews dataset has an embedded 1:N relationship with our Businesses dataset. For those familiar with translating Entity-Relationship diagrams into SQL tables, the purpose of an edge body is to specify a relationship table that holds foreign key references to two other tables (in our case, vertices).

    2. The edges of label MADE_BY are similarly defined to edges of label ABOUT. MADE_BY edges have source vertices of the label Review and destination vertices of the label User. Of our edge body, the key used to connect our edge to Review vertices is (review_id). The key used to connect our edge to User vertices is (user_id). We define the schema of a MADE_BY edge in the GelpGraph as such:
       EDGE (:Review)-[:MADE_BY]->(:User)
           SOURCE KEY       (review_id)
           DESTINATION KEY  (user_id)
           AS (
                   Gelp.Reviews R
                   R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN
                   R.review_id AS review_id,
                   R.user_id   AS user_id
    3. The edges of label FRIENDS_WITH have source vertices of label User and destination vertices of the label User. The edge bodies are defined using an UNNEST query of the Gelp.Users dataset. Of our edge body, the key used to connect our edge to our source User vertex is (user_id). The key used to connect our edge to our destination User vertex is (friend). We define the schema of a FRIENDS_WITH edge in the GelpGraph as such:
       EDGE (:User)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->(:User)
           SOURCE KEY       (user_id)
           DESTINATION KEY  (friend)
           AS (
                   Gelp.Users U,
                   U.friends F
                   F         AS friend,
                   U.user_id AS user_id
  4. When we put all these pieces together, we get the following:

         CREATE GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph AS
             VERTEX (:Business)
                 PRIMARY KEY (business_id)
                 AS Gelp.Businesses,
             VERTEX (:User)
                 PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
                 AS Gelp.Users,
             VERTEX (:Review)
                 PRIMARY KEY (review_id)
                 AS ( 
                         Gelp.Reviews R
                         R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN
                     SELECT VALUE 
             EDGE (:Review)-[:ABOUT]->(:Business)
                 SOURCE KEY       (review_id)
                 DESTINATION KEY  (business_id)
                 AS ( 
                         Gelp.Reviews R
                         R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN
             EDGE (:Review)-[:MADE_BY]->(:User)
                 SOURCE KEY       (review_id)
                 DESTINATION KEY  (user_id)
                 AS ( 
                         Gelp.Reviews R
                         R.review_time IS NOT UNKNOWN
             EDGE (:User)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->(:User)
                 SOURCE KEY       (user_id)
                 DESTINATION KEY  (friend)
                 AS ( 
                         Gelp.Users U,
                         U.friends F
                         F         AS friend,
                         U.user_id AS user_id 

    Issuing the statement above will create a managed graph in Graphix.

Querying our Graphix Graph

  1. Let’s now query our data. To start, let’s see what our Business vertices look like. We build the following gSQL++ query:
         GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph

    The query above starts by specifying the graph we are querying (the FROM GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph line), followed by a graph pattern consisting of a single vertex whose label is to Business, concluding with a SELECT clause containing the variable of our vertex. For a more in-depth explanation on what a graph pattern is, see the Graphix Query Model page. If we issue our query, we get the following results:

     { "business_id": "B1", "name": "Papa's Supermarket", "number": "909-123-6123" }
     { "business_id": "B2", "name": "Mother's Gas Station", "number": "111-724-1123" }
     { "business_id": "B3", "name": "Uncle's Bakery" }

    Our results are all records from the Businesses dataset, which makes sense given how we defined a Business vertex in our graph.

  2. Let’s now see what an edge looks like. In particular, let’s see what all ABOUT edges return. We build the following gSQL++ query:
         GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph

    Issuing the query above yields the following results:

     { "a": { "review_id": "R1", "business_id": "B3" } }
     { "a": { "review_id": "R2", "business_id": "B3" } }
     { "a": { "review_id": "R3", "business_id": "B3" } }
     { "a": { "review_id": "R4", "business_id": "B1" } }

    In contrast to our Business vertices, our Review vertices and all connecting edges filter out records from the Reviews dataset if their review_time field is NULL or MISSING. The query being executed by AsterixDB is analogous to the following SQL++ query:

         Gelp.Reviews R,
         Gelp.Businesses B
         a = {
             "review_id": R.review_id, 
             "business_id": R.business_id 
         R.business_id = B.business_id
  3. Suppose that we now want to find whether two users are connected by some number of friends in our graph. In this scenario, we need to describe a path between two vertices instead of an edge. We build the following gSQL++ query:
     SET `graphix.compiler.permit.unbounded-all-paths` "true";
         GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph
         pathIDs = ( FROM VERTICES(f) fv SELECT VALUE fv.user_id )
         u1.user_id AS u1_user_id,
         u2.user_id AS u2_user_id,
         pathIDs    AS pathIDs
     ORDER BY  

    Issuing the query above yields the following results (shortened for brevity):

     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 2, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 3, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 3, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 5, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 5, "pathIDs": [ 1, 2, 4, 5 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 1, "pathIDs": [ 2, 1 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 3, "pathIDs": [ 2, 3 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 3, "pathIDs": [ 2, 4, 5, 3 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 2, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 2, 3, 5, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 5, "pathIDs": [ 2, 3, 5 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 5, "pathIDs": [ 2, 4, 5 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 1, "pathIDs": [ 3, 2, 1 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 1, "pathIDs": [ 3, 5, 4, 2, 1 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 2, "pathIDs": [ 3, 2 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 2, "pathIDs": [ 3, 5, 4, 2 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 3, 2, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 4, "pathIDs": [ 3, 5, 4 ] }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 5, "pathIDs": [ 3, 5 ] }

    The query above illustrates a navigational graph pattern, where f corresponds to a path instead of an edge. Vertices of a path are accessed using the VERTICES function, and edges of a path are accessed using the EDGES function. Note that by default, such paths are disabled in Graphix (and must be explicitly enabled via the graphix.compiler.permit.unbounded-all-paths option).

  4. The previous query yields a large number of results (too many to display here). Let’s expand on the previous scenario: suppose we are not interested in all paths between the same two users, but instead we are interested in the shortest path. We build the following gSQL++ query, taking advantage of how SQL++ treats grouping:
         GRAPH Gelp.GelpGraph
     GROUP BY  
         GROUP AS g
         shortestPath = (
                 pathIDs = ( FROM VERTICES(g.f) fv SELECT VALUE fv.user_id )
             SELECT VALUE 
             ORDER BY 
                 LEN(EDGES(g.f)) ASC
         u1.user_id   AS u1_user_id,
         u2.user_id   AS u2_user_id,
         shortestPath AS shortestPath,
         COUNT(*)     AS totalPaths;

    Issuing the query above yields the following results:

     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 1, "shortestPath": [ 2, 1 ], "totalPaths": 1 }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 3, "shortestPath": [ 2, 3 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 4, "shortestPath": [ 2, 4 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 2, "u2_user_id": 5, "shortestPath": [ 2, 3, 5 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 2, "shortestPath": [ 1, 2 ], "totalPaths": 1 }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 3, "shortestPath": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 4, "shortestPath": [ 1, 2, 4 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 1, "u2_user_id": 5, "shortestPath": [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 2, "shortestPath": [ 3, 2 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 1, "shortestPath": [ 3, 2, 1 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 4, "shortestPath": [ 3, 2, 4 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 3, "u2_user_id": 5, "shortestPath": [ 3, 5 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 4, "u2_user_id": 2, "shortestPath": [ 4, 2 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 4, "u2_user_id": 1, "shortestPath": [ 4, 2, 1 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 4, "u2_user_id": 3, "shortestPath": [ 4, 2, 3 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 4, "u2_user_id": 5, "shortestPath": [ 4, 5 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 5, "u2_user_id": 2, "shortestPath": [ 5, 3, 2 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 5, "u2_user_id": 1, "shortestPath": [ 5, 3, 2, 1 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 5, "u2_user_id": 3, "shortestPath": [ 5, 3 ], "totalPaths": 2 }
     { "u1_user_id": 5, "u2_user_id": 4, "shortestPath": [ 5, 4 ], "totalPaths": 2 }

    The query above can be thought of as grouping all distinct pairs of users u1 and u2, then fetching the path out of all paths between u1 and u2 that has the shortest length. The ability to operate on groups using sub-queries in SQL++ gives gSQL++ users the power to express a rich set of typical path finding problems (e.g. weighted shortest paths).

Stopping our Sample Cluster

  1. Navigate to the pre-built package directory from before.
  2. Execute the script.
